Liver function tests, often known as liver panels, are blood tests used to assess liver functionality by analysing several compounds found in the blood, such as proteins, enzymes, and bilirubin. The tests can give vital information about liver disorders such as inflammation, scarring, or liver damage. They are often used to detect and track illnesses like as hepatitis and cirrhosis. There are several types of liver function tests, each of which screens for distinct elements of liver health. There are many types of tests for liver function, along with their typical ranges and what abnormal findings may signify.
What exactly is a liver function test?
- A liver function test is a blood test that measures different chemicals in the blood that indicate hepatic function. Your healthcare practitioner can acquire a better overall picture of your liver health in a single consultation and offer diagnoses or suggestions for further testing depending on the results. A little blood sample is obtained from an arm vein using a small needle during the test. The sample is then sent to the laboratory for examination, and the findings are usually ready within a few days, if not sooner. Although your doctor may advise you to fast for 10 to 12 hours before the test, liver function tests normally do not require any extra preparation.
What exactly does a liver function test reveal?
- A liver function test may be recommended by your doctor for a variety of reasons. In general, the test is recommended if you have any symptoms or indications that might indicate a liver disease. A liver function test may be ordered by your healthcare practitioner as part of routine screening or to monitor the course of an existing problem. A liver panel is often advised if you have been diagnosed with obesity or being overweight, are a heavy alcohol drinker, have been exposed to hepatitis viruses, or have a genetic predisposition to liver disease. It is also good to learn about the tests for liver function
- It’s critical to discuss any and all concerns you have with your healthcare practitioner, as they can provide you the greatest information and guidance on how to manage your illness, as well as the potential side effects of each treatment choice. Moreover, dietary and lifestyle modifications may assist enhance overall liver function while also improving other elements of your mental and physical health.